Past Puggle Puppies
and Beagle pups
Tommie - Sorry it has taken me so long to send you this note, but I wanted to let you know that Crystal (now Bella) arrived without a problem this morning and is now sounds asleep on my lap! She seems to be doing great with no ill effects of the airplane travel. Thanks so much for the food and the information you sent along with her. I will be sure to keep you posted on her progress. I'll also forward a picture of her with my two daughters - she already loves them! Thanks again, Kelly T in IL
Hi Tommie, Coco got in right on time yesterday, she is fitting right in with us, She keeps the kids going lol Her favorite toy atm seems to be peoples feet and pants, I know funny now but were trying to break her of it. The kids decided to keep her name Coco. She is eating and drinking fine and didn't cry too bad in her crate lastnight. I'll let you know how the vet apt goes after.
Thank you Merideth
Hi Tommie,
Here are a few more pictures of Maya (Giggles). She is doing GREAT, and is a spoiled little princess. You would not believe the compliments we get on how cute she is, what a great personality she has and what an awesome all around dog she is!! Thanks again, Jen & Jeff Utley
Hi Tommie
Wanted to let you know that Sage(Bailey) arrived safely, she slept the car ride home, ate her dinner and now is playing around the house, we love her so much!! The pink crate was a cute surprise also! Thanks so much for our new puppy!
Thanks, Kelley in CA 4-20-2011
Hi Tommie –
Just wanted to let you know that we got Bailey (Clover) last night at the airport, and she is safe and sound now! She was completely unphased by everything she had just experienced, and very happy to see us! She played with us for several hours before going to bed. We love her personality, and can’t wait to see her grow up. We will send some pictures soon.
Thanks for everything! Mariah in ID 4-18-2011
Here is our love, Stella, at almost 5 months! She is a wonderful, obedient girl and quite the cuddler.
Enjoy! Sara
Thanks Tommie
We do love our new little girl Maddie (lady). She stole our hearts from the time we heard her howling in the back of the baggage area. LOL
We will send some pics from the Franklin BBQ this weekend and maybe even some from her first hike this Sunday.
Bob Will in TN
WW Masonry Restoration
and Waterproofing. 10-27-2010
Tommie, We got her and everything went good. She is so adorable and she is sooo small. She looked so much bigger in pictures. Thank you so much for everything and making this memorable and special event go smooth and stress free. Thank you again for everything and i would be sure to recommend you to friends and family. I will keep in touch and send you pictures of Honey aka Zena(like the warrior princess).
Thank you
Kristine and Randy in CT 10-13-10
Hi Tommie
Puppy is home & doing very well! He is already a handful and so sweet!
I will definitely send some updated photos very soon. We have a vet appt. On Friday as well.
Thank you!
Melissa in CA 10-13-10
Tommie I just wanted to say, since I've adopted my puggle (Alamo) from Michelle in Reno, my life hasn't been the same! I adore him so much and he's the perfect little addition to our crazy and loving family! Thanks again so much and we will be adopting another puppy from you one day! Megan
Just an update on Chloee aka Pebbles, she is doing great, she is beautiful, she is getting along great with the kids. Cybil March 2012

Hi Tommie!
How are you? I hope everything is well. I just wanted to reach out to you to give you an update on Skye because it has been awhile since my last. She is doing great. She still has her puppy moments where she is a little overwhelming but we are all doing fantastic! We love her more than words could say and cannot believe we have had her for 6 months already. She has grown so much. She is about 20 pounds right now but it is all muscle. We kept feeding her the Pro Pac food so she is healthy and great. We took her to basic training classes (an 8 week course) and she graduated – I made her a cap for her graduation as you can see in the pictures I attached J … she is just the happiest puppy and is extremely smart. She loves to be outside and just laying on the grass and chewing on sticks lol. We spoil her so badly but she deserves it. There is nothing better than coming home to her little puppy face every day after work. Everytime my husband comes home from work, Skye just loves to lick his face forever because she misses him... she is just the cutest little thing :)... anyways, I could talk about her forever. I hope you enjoyed the update and pictures - she has changed so much over this time.. it is just crazy! <3 Angelique SEPT 2012
Hi Tommie,
Just letting u know Desiree now named Autumn saw the vet today and everything checked out perfectly. She got a dose of deworming, flee med, and her ears cleaned they showed us how (new puppy parents still learning :-) ) we also had the fecal exam done ill get the results Monday. Ill send you one more email then :-)
My one question is for kennel training her she wines for like 10-30 mins a night is that normal? From what I pulled up on the Internet it says that's correct. But slowly she should get used to it.
Thanks so much we love her to pieces she is now our lil Patriots puppy :-) she has blanket, collar, and bed all patriots football logos haha.
Justin in RI DEC 2012
Hi Tommie! Just wanted to let you know that we have Dodger! He is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much for all your help and for making this experience perfect!
Michelle in FL
DEC 2012
Didi is doing great we took here in to the vet and they said she was great except for she had some yeast in her ear. Jackie our other dog is finally starting to warm up to her Didi follows her everywhere. Were all glad she is here and I had no idea how small she actually was shes real cute! Thanks im glad we found her.
Adam in WY DEC 2012

Hi Tommie!
I just wanted to let you know that Puggy Sue is officially a model! Well, not really, but sort of. I work for Waxing Poetic- a jewelry design company- and since I’ve been bringing her to work, she’s officially considered the “Office Puggle”. Everyone fell in love with her, including our CEO and her 3 year old, Lulu, that frequently comes into the office. Today, our photographer had a marketing idea and, depending on the feedback, we might be doing a “Puggy Sue Goes to…” sequence of Facebook posts weekly (things like “Puggy Sue Goes to the Farmer’s Market”, “…Goes on a Picnic”, etc.)
They just posted the first image of her here: I thought you might like to take a look
AS far as how she’s doing- she honestly couldn’t be better. Her eye is all better and she makes us so happy. I think we make her pretty darn happy too J She spends 2 afternoons a week with my parents & their boarder collie, Dash, and they just love each other. Then, for the other 3 days, James & I trade off taking her to work with us and of course, our weekends are all about her, so she just gets tons of socialization, play time and loving from everyone.
Thanks again for everything!
Amanda in CA March 2013

My husband and I were really skeptical about purchasing a puppy online but after talking to Tommie...I felt comfortable purchasing from her. She was very easy to contact and she answered all the questions I asked. Our puggle puppy was also everything she said he was. Happy, healthy and playful. We are absolutely in love with him! All in all I highly recommend Tommie! She's a very sweet breeder and she cares a lot for the well being of her dogs. Thanks again Tommie!
Dayanne in TX March 2013
8Ball made it to Toledo and is doing fine. Thank you again so much--he is adorable!!!
Darlene in OH
March 2013
He's perfect :)
Liz in SC
JUNE 2013
Everything is going good. She is perfect. She is so happy and playful.
Jessica in MI
June 2013
Hi Tommie axel has his first vet visit tomorrow He is doing great. Thanks
Chris in NY DEC 2013
Hi Tommie, We just made it home and FORD looks Great! Thank you, I'll update you again tomorrow. He's playing and very happy!
Darin in CA JAN 2014